Payment Switch

The Smart Way for making Payments Online and Offline.

Payswitch gives you full control of your debit cards. Also making it possible for you to decide who debits your card online.
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Trusted by thousands of people around Africa

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Connecting all your banking needs.

We help you connect all your banking ATM cards to a single card, relieving you of the burden of having to carry multiple cards.

Centralized Payment

With Payswitch card you can make payment using any of your bank account or withdraw money from any of your accounts using a single payswitch card.

Card Management

Payswitch gives you ease control over your card.

  • You can block specific merchants from debiting your card.
  • Should your card get stolen or lost, you can easily block the card with a single click of a button.

Payswitch gives you a transparent view of all transactions on with your card. From your transaction receipts you get to see the merchant who debited your card, the amount, the charges, etc.

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Play Video about Online Payments using Payswitch.

Centralizing debit cards for Africa

No need carrying multiple cards, make payments and withdrawal from any of your bank accounts using a single Payswitch card.
Install the Payswitch app to get started.

Why Choose Us

Smart Solution for Your Payment.

Payswitch gives you full control over your cards, and we made it ridiculously easy for you.
Easy to Setup

Your payswitch account is very easy to set up with just two simple steps.

Secure Transactions

Payswitch transaction secured leveraging the best technologies known today.

24/7 Support

Our support desks are always available, so feel free to contact us at anytime.

Easily Manage your Debit Cards

We made management of your debit cards ridiculously easy.

Inactive Card

Set your card to Inactive to prevent online charges without your knowledge.

Stolen Card

If your card is stolen, you can easily mark it as stolen to prevent any unauthorized use, no need visiting the bank.

Damaged Card

Tell us when your card is damaged and we'll prevent further charges on the card.

Deactivate Card

Whenever you want to deactivate or block your card, you can do that from the app as well.

We're always available and ready to assist

We are working really hard to make sure you have no problem using our system. But should you encounter any issue, feel free to contact us.